Wellbeing SIG
AEME Teaching & Learning SIG Lead Dr Allan Jepson, University of Hertfordshire
For further information contact: a.s.jepson@herts.ac.uk
The aim of this special interest group is to linked to the AEME objective:
To support and raise the profile of the events discipline through the sharing of education and best practice.
To encourage international exchange of ideas and best practice in events.
To support, undertake and disseminate events research.
The Wellbeing SIG aims to meet quarterly and create a place for sharing of best practice, research, cross-institution collaboration and supportive discussion around Wellbeing.
Meetings information will be shared on the aeme@jiscmail.ac.uk list.
Further information about Wellbeing SIG activities can be found at: https://eventsandwellbeing.wordpress.com/aeme-special-interest-group/.