Fast Forward 15 University Challenge
Fast Forward 15 presents University Challenge, a programme initiative that bridges the gap between education and industry. University Challenge is a project based competition, where teams are challenged to host a charity event to raise funds for charities supported by industry fundraising body, Meeting Needs.
How does it work?
The initiative invites teams of three to six students currently enrolled in event management courses, as part of AEME (Association for Events Management Education).
Teams will submit their event proposals by 24th January 2025, which will then be reviewed.
Selected teams will be confirmed by 1st February 2025.
Selected teams will be partnered with a FF15 mentor, who will assist in guiding them as they carry out their proposal.
After they have delivered their event, teams will submit a post-event report by the 14th April, which will be judged by the FF15 panel.
The winner will be announced on 24th April 2025.
The link for entries is now open at the following link, which contains further information.
Expressions of interest to host #AEME27 or #AEME28
AEME Exec are pleased to welcome expressions of interest from AEME members to host the AEME forums in 2027 and 2028.
Further details can be found in the Call for Expressions of Interest and Service Level Agreement distributed to members. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr Jenny Flinn if you have any questions or require further information.
We appreciate that everyone is busy with teaching, marking and moderation at the moment and will hopefully be looking forward to a break over Christmas, so please note that the deadline for expressions of interest is not until 28th February 2025.
Please remember that next year's Forum is due to take place at the University of Chester from 1st-3rd July 2025. Further details including the call for papers can be found at,
Call for Papers #AEME25 Events In The Digital Landscape
We are delighted to announce a ‘Call for Papers’ for the AEME Forum 2025.
The AEME Forum 2025 is being hosted at Chester Business School from the 1st – 3rd July 2025, with the main theme focussing on ‘Events in the digital landscape’.
Sub-themes may incorporate but not limited to:
The evolving digital event landscape
Virtual Events
Hybrid Events
AR/VR and Events
AI and Events
Sustainability in digital events
Inclusivity in digital events
Events & technology
We would also welcome papers on broader events related topics: event experiences, event design, event planning & processes, event destinations, event impacts, event safety, event marketing, etc.
We also welcome submissions from other related fields, such as Tourism and Hospitality.
The deadline for abstracts is this Friday 28th March 2025 and the call for papers for the AEME 2025 Forum remains open until the deadline. More
AEME Student Awards 2024 - Winners Announced
​AEME is delighted to announce the winners of the AEME Student Awards 2024.
For further information, click here.
July 2024
New Executive Committee Appointed and #AEME2025 Confirmed
We are very pleased to announce our new Executive Committee for 2024-27, as confirmed at the AGM on 4th July at Sheffield Hallam University:
Daniel Baxter
Adrian Bossey
Tim Brown
Glenn Bowdin
Mandy Curtis
Jenny Flinn
Jo Goodey
Mary Beth Gouthro
Jonathan Sibley
Jane Tattersall
Fotios Vasileiou
Following a nomination process, the following Executive Committee members take up Honorary Officer positions:
Chair – Adrian Bossey
Vice Chair – Jenny Flinn
Treasurer – Glenn Bowdin
Secretary – Mandy Curtis
Huge thanks to everyone who has served on the Exec over the last three years and in particular, Karen Davies and Dee Clayton for their contributions.
The AEME Forum 2025 will be hosted by the University of Chester from 1-3 July 2025. The theme of the conference will be Events in the Digital Landscape, a call for papers will be sent out in October.
Press Release - White paper highlights potential damaging implications of government policy shift on graduate visa route
The Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE), the Council for Hospitality Management (CHME), and the Association for Events Management Education (AEME) have come together to address the concerning implications of potential changes to government policy regarding the graduate visa route. This joint effort aims to shed light on the critical role that international students and graduates play in the education of industry leaders worldwide, as well as the strategic development of industries through postgraduate education and research.
In response to a statement made in Parliament on December 4, 2023, the government has tasked the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) with conducting a rapid review of the Graduate route. This review, expected to report its findings today, has sparked concerns within THE industries about the potential repercussions on the economy, recruitment, and the already-existing skills shortage. Currently 85% of students studying THE postgraduate programmes are international students.
Despite facing significant challenges in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, THE industries remain vital contributors to the UK economy. In 2022 alone, the travel and tourism industry contributed £237.1 billion to the UK's Gross Domestic Product, with the events industry estimated at £70 billion, and the hospitality industry at over £93 billion in direct Gross Value Added (GVA). Moreover, these industries collectively provide millions of jobs, making them essential pillars of the UK workforce.
Please read the press release for further information.
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Book now for #AEME24 The Value of Events and Events Education - 20:20
Reflecting on the past and shaping the future
The 20th AEME Events Management Educators Forum will be
hosted by Sheffield Hallam University from 2nd to 4th July 2024.
Please visit the Forum website for full details of our celebratory 20th Anniversary event and to book.
Press Release - White paper on the future of Tourism, Hospitality and Event (THE) education in the UK unveiled
The white paper, published today, sets out the implications of shifting government policy which risks affecting economy, recruitment and adding to skills shortage.
A White Paper jointly commissioned by the Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE), the Council for Hospitality Management (CHME) and the Association for Events Management Education (AEME) has been launched in the UK today. It reports on the future of Tourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) Management education in the United Kingdom (UK), in the context of increased stakeholder pressure and shifting government policy. It outlines implications on the Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) sectors, at various levels, including funding, enrolment, progression pathways, and graduate outcomes.
Please read the press release for further information.
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Successful AEME Panel at the AGF Green Events Innovation Conference
AEME Sustainability SIG arranged a successful academic panel at Green Event Innovations 16 (GEI16) with A Greener Future at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London on 27th February 2024. The 1-hour panel considered ‘Supporting sustainable employability skills for current and future generations of festival and event managers’. GE16 was completely sold out, so our panel was very busy. It was chaired by Adrian Bossey and featured panel members Andrew Lansley, from the University of Gloucester, Dimitri Lera from University of Essex and Dr Jane Lovell from Canterbury Christ Church University.
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AEME Student Awards 2023 - Winners Announced
​AEME is delighted to announce the winners of the AEME Student Awards 2023.
For further information, click here.
November 2023
Call for Papers #AEME24 The Value of Events and Events Education - 20:20
Reflecting on the past and shaping the future
We invite conceptual or empirical papers on the conference theme, and particularly encourage work that reflects upon the last 20 years of events education or looks forward to the next 20 years. The aim of the forum is to encourage open discussions about the evolution of events higher education and how we can respond to the changing environment and needs of events education and the industry.
We therefore welcome papers that reflect on the development of events education or consider the future of events and events education, and how to shape the next 20 years.
Events education is a wide and diverse discipline, and our forum will reflect that. So, we invite colleagues from events, or other fields, to contribute conceptual or research-based papers on a range of topics related to events education and events management.
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Press Release - Progressing Policy for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education
The Government has much to say about the value of tourism, hospitality, and events to the UK economy.
A study produced in 2021 showed that in 2018 (Office for National Statistics (ONS)(1), the tourism industries contributed £127.5 billion to the UK’s economy. This equated to 6.7% of all GVA in the UK in 2018. In the same year 3.9 million people were employed in the tourism industries. The ONS calculated that the tourism direct gross value added (TDGVA) for 2018 was £71.7 billion(2).
In 2019 economic output of the hospitality sector was £59.3 billion, which was around 3% of total UK economic output. Hospitality businesses represented 3-5% of businesses in each country and region. In the three months to March 2020, there were 2.53 million jobs in the hospitality sector in the UK, representing 7.1% of total UK employment. The hospitality industry has higher proportions of younger workers, foreign-born workers, part-time workers and workers from minority ethnic backgrounds compared to other sectors. (3)
Reports by Cities Restart(4) and UKEVENTS5 placed direct spend on business events between £19.4bn and £31b in 2019, with leisure events adding a further £30bn. Post COVID 19 business events is expected to increase by 43% by 2026. In support, UK Sport’s analysis of 12 major sport events in 20226 (excluding the Commonwealth Games) revealed a 6:1 return on investment distributed across host towns and cities.
While there may be some cross-over in the data based on different definitions of THE, collectively this data highlights the significant contribution that these industries make to the UK economy, outperforming other sectors.
Effective training and education are critical to sustain and grow these sectors, and to create new jobs and further economic impact. Despite this, current education policy does not reflect this. Tourism, hospitality and events qualifications are under threat – both within Further Education and Higher Education – as a result of both direct policy decisions and the consequences of others.
In response, The Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE) (ATHE), Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), and AEME (Association for Events Management Education) (AEME) have commissioned a study to evaluate the importance, impact and trajectory of qualifications across the three subject areas.
Please read the press release for further information.
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SIG Research Projects Announced
AEME’s Special Interest Group Research Fund aims to promote the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to focus on specific areas of interest in the field of Events Management. The fund is designed to support the undertaking of high-quality research and educational activities related to the scope and aims of AEME. Proposals were invited from AEME colleagues as part of their institutional membership with AEME. The projects for 2023-4 are outlined on the page below.
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Reflections on The Opportunities and Challenges for Events Management Education
Our AEME Exec Members Glenn Bowdin and Dr Tim Brown delivered the opening keynote for AEME (Association for Events Management Education) 2023 at University of Gloucestershire on Thursday and opened up the conversations about the direction of travel for events management education.
In this reflection, Glenn highlights some of the opportunities and challenges raised.
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Progressing Policy for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education
This one day national conference on Wednesday 18th October 2023 focuses on training, education, skills and employability in the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Sectors. The event is a joint conference, organised by The Association for Tourism in Higher Education, The Council for Hospitality Management Education and The Association for Events Management Education and kindly hosted by the University of West London.
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ATHE/AEME/CHME Open Letter to Government
The Association for Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE), working in partnership with The Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) and The Association for Events Management Education (AEME) have produced an Open Letter to government which responds to policy changes affecting Further and Higher Education in the UK.
The letter, which highlights the importance and value of tourism, hospitality and events to the economy, sets out six points which we are asking Government to consider. We would like to ask colleagues to sign and support this letter, and to share it more widely.
The Letter can be found here -
AEME 2023: Registration Now Open
The Association for Events Management Education (AEME) is delighted that registration is now open for the 19th Annual Forum, hosted by the University of Gloucestershire from the 5th to 7th July 2023. Visit our conference site for further information about the programme and to book.
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AEME Exec Member Appointed Vice Chair and Treasurer of UKEVENTS
Glenn Bowdin, Treasurer and Executive Committee Member of AEME, has been appointed as a Vice Chair and Treasurer of UKEVENTS.
AEME Members Education Panel at GEI15 (Green Events & Innovations)
AEME members were pleased to take part in an Education panel at GEI15 (Green Events & Innovations) recently at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on February 28th 2023. The UK’s foremost conference for sustainability at live events is in its 15th year and held in conjunction with AGF (A Greener Future).
AEME Members Education Panel at GEI15 (Green Events & Innovations)
AEME members were pleased to take part in an Education panel at GEI15 (Green Events & Innovations) recently at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on February 28th 2023. The UK’s foremost conference for sustainability at live events is in its 15th year and held in conjunction with AGF (A Greener Future).
AEME 2023: Call for Papers
The Association for Events Management Education (AEME) is delighted to announce that the 19th Annual Forum will be hosted by the University of Gloucestershire from the 5th to 7th July 2023. The forum will focus on the theme of creating inclusive events via participation, pedagogy and practice.
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AEME Announced As A Partner for The Power of Events
​During challenging times for both the events industry and Higher Education sector, we are pleased to announce that AEME have become a Partner Organisation for The Power of Events. The Power of Events aim to showcase, respect and value the power of the UK events industry.
For further information, click here.
28 July 2022
AEME Student Awards 2022 - Winners Announced
​AEME is delighted to announce the winners of the AEME Student Awards 2022.
For further information, click here.
July 2022
AEME 2022
Hosted by the Events, Tourism and Hospitality Department at the University of Northampton, this year the #AEME2022 Forum will be at the new University of Northampton Waterside campus on 6 & 7 July. The theme will be New Horizons: Working Together for a Better Future, focusing on stakeholders and relationships. For further information and the Call for Papers, please visit the conference website by clicking on the image below.
DEI Advisory Group
AEME has been a member of the UKEVENTS for a number of years and we now sit on their Advisory Group for DEI, set up by our own Caroline Jackson to tackle issues of diversity, equity and inclusion from a sector-wide perspective. READ MORE...
Sustainability SIG
Daniel Baxter and Mary Beth Gouthro have been representing AEME at the Meeting and Incentive Travel (M&IT) working group that is looking to drive the sustainability agenda across the events sector. READ MORE...